Wednesday, December 10, 2008


..... nowadays i am saddened by the things that occured.
My housemates were I have learn to live and love are now leaving me.
Not because I did something but rather it is time for them to move on with thier life. Be a family.
I have no quams living with them. No complains for they are easy and considerate to live with......I am happy for them....
I am now again left to take a pause of my life. Where would I like to be?
i feel indiferent about it. Or maybe I should accept the fact that being alive and to embrace life is to realize that everything changes........
....well a chapter has been closed. And my stay with them was a happy ending of a chapter. ... Now I am writing a different chapter... new script, new cast , new theme...... I will see where and what will this chapter be about.....