Monday, May 12, 2008

Count your blessings

Most of the time I am focused on my own pwersonal struggles.. Believing that I am perhaps the only person in the world to have this burden.... So focuses that I miss out to appreciate the good things in my life...Ill give one example to illustrate this. One piece of Blank sheet of plain paper with a dot in the center... What will you take notice first? .... Almost all of us will say" the paper has a dot" making it tarnished and useless.... But what about the rest of the paper? the clear part of it? NO.. people dont usually see the good side of the situation and that includes me. I tend to evaluate myself by taking undue notice on the problems that I have.. The things that is lacking.. I forgot to appreciate the other side of the coin.. the biggest part of the whole picture called life... May we appreciate the rest of the things in our life by taking notice of what we have....I am hopefull that me and the rest of us will learn to change our paradigm by taking heed of the blessings and considering troubles as a blessing in disguise... May the force be with us

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